In applications such as trajectory recognition and motion analysis, the storage of high frame rate images of high-speed cameras is a very important factor, because the data loss caused by the conflict between the amount of data and the bandwidth bottleneck directly affects the stability of the application, such as sports track numbers. The fairness of the referee, the accuracy of the analysis of the motion posture, and the stuttering phenomenon caused by the high-speed slow-motion playback.
High-speed storage software is a complex machine vision software specially designed for high-speed image acquisition. It adopts multi-threaded and highly synchronized memory management technology. It can store the massive data collected by high-speed cameras in real-time and non-destructive storage disk arrays and other media. According to actual application needs, it can be exported as images or video files in multiple formats. When users use computer hardware with sufficient performance, they can record video data streams and original image data without losing frames at the maximum frequency of the camera, ensuring that massive data is not lost during storage.
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