Feature List:
◆ 4-way CoaXPress CXP-6 connection: 2, 500 MB/s camera bandwidth
◆ PCie 3.0 (Gen3) x4 bus: 3, 300MBps bus bandwidth
◆ Feature-rich 20 digital I/O lines
◆ Rich camera control
◆ Memento event log tool
Machine vision in electronics manufacturing:
◆ High-speed image acquisition for AOI, 3D SPI, 3D lead/ball inspection machines
◆ Extremely high resolution line scan image acquisition for flat panel display inspection and solar cell inspection
General Manufacturing Machine Vision:
◆ High frame rate image acquisition for inspection machines
◆ Line scan image acquisition of surface inspection machine
◆ Line scan image acquisition for textile inspection
◆ Robot image acquisition
Machine vision in the printing industry:
◆ High-speed line scan image acquisition for print inspection machines
Life Sciences and Medical:
◆ Standard and high definition image capture for endoscopic applications
◆ Standard and high definition image capture for dental applications
◆ Standard and high definition image capture for video guided surgery applications
Video capture and recording:
◆ High frame rate video capture for motion analysis and recording
Video surveillance, surveillance and security:
◆ Transmit and capture high-definition video over long-distance coaxial cables for traffic monitoring, surveillance, and control